50 research outputs found

    A Study of Good Governance Index in Yogyakarta Special Region Between 2012 and 2016

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    This study assesses the progress of good governance index in Yogyakarta between 2012 and 2016. Kemitraan (Partnership for Governance Reform) developed the Yogyakarta governance index of 2012 based on the IGI (Indonesia Governance Index)’s methodology. The author used the same methodology   to develop Yogyakarta governance index of 2016 based on newly collected data on government, bureaucracy, civil society and economic society in Yogyakarta. This paper compares Yogyakarta good governance index for 2012 and 2016. The index comprises scores on three levels, interalia:  the arena, principles and actual policy. The paper introduces and describes the three tier structure and index processing. Results of the comparison of the index for 2012 and 2016 shows that in general Yogyakarta governance index increased from the level of fairy good (6.80) in 2012 to good (7.93) in 2016. Subsequently, the scores that comprise the arena and principle levels were analyzed to determine the contribution of each to the total governance index, and afterwards determine the contribution of each principle to the score of each arena. The results of the analysis procedure indicates the possibility that the increase in governance index may be linked to new special status Law No.13 of 2012 for Yogyakarta. Prior to 2012, the special status of Yogyakarta special administration was shrouded in uncertainty. However, with the passage of Law No.13/2013, the special status of the province is now codified, and today forms the legal basis for   policy making in this province. This paper limits itself to indicators that point to the association between the governance and the enactment of the law, and does neither go as far as analyzing the impact that the enactment of the special status law has had on policies, nor evaluate the impact that policy changes made in the aftermath of the implementation of the special status law on the performance of the index

    Islam Formalis Versus Islam Lokalis: Studi Pribumisasi Islam Walisongo dan Kiai Ciganjur

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    In this article, the uniqueness of Walisongo and Kiai Ciganjur in the middle of the discourse between the two Islamic movements, namely Islam formalist understanding and localist Islam. In the two religiosity classification model, it is described the reason for the presence of Walisongo and Kiai Ciganjur strengthen lokalist Islamic perspective. This is read from the pribumisasi Islam as a Walisongo religiosity model and the term Islam dinamization as Kiai Ciganjur religiousity model. This is the two terms that reinforces the conclusions of the author of the presence of Walisongo and Kiai Ciganjur as Islamic local prominent. It distinguishes between the two understands this is the existence of localist Islam ideologies who receive the truth which are universal. Meanwhile, Islam formalist limit the views and attitudes on the symbol of the will of the power and the religion comunalism system

    Masyarakat Santri Dan Revolusi Industri Pertambangan Di Rembang Dalam Perspektif Politik Ibn Khaldun

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    Application of Odometry and Dijkstra Algorithm as Navigation and Shortest Path Determination System of Warehouse Mobile Robot

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    One of the technologies in the industrial world that utilizes robots is the delivery of goods in warehouses, especially in the goods distribution process. This is very useful, especially in terms of resource efficiency and reducing human error. The existing system in this process usually uses the line follower concept on the robot's path with a camera sensor to determine the destination location. If the line and destination are not detected by the sensor or camera, the robot's navigation system will experience an error. it can happen if the sensor is dirty or the track is faded. The aim of this research is to develop a robot navigation system for efficient goods delivery in warehouses by integrating odometry and Dijkstra's algorithm for path planning. Holonomic robot is a robot that moves freely without changing direction to produce motion with high mobility. Dijkstra's algorithm is added to the holonomic robot to obtain the fastest trajectory. by calculating the distance of the node that has not been passed from the initial position, if in the calculation the algorithm finds a shorter distance it will be stored as a new route replacing the previously recorded route. the distance traversed by the djikstra algorithm is 780 mm while a distance of 1100 mm obtains the other routes. The time for using the Djikstra method is proven to be 5.3 seconds faster than the track without the Djikstra method with the same speed. Uneven track terrain can result in a shift in the robot's position so that it can affect the travel data. The conclusion is that odometry and Dijkstra's algorithm as a planning system and finding the shortest path are very efficient for warehouse robots to deliver goods than ordinary line followers without Dijkstra, both in terms of distance and travel time


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    Complaints within the companyare often found in service companiesbecause of the complexity of theactivities in the service company. Speedand accuracy are important for freightforwarding companies. The purpose ofquality control is to reduce complaints(defects) and even achieve zero defects.The focus of this research is to analyzethe service attributes that need to bedeveloped by PT Kamadjaja Surabayawith the Six Sigma method. The resultsof this study indicate that the quality ofservice has not been maximized which isstill far from the level of 6 sigma withDPMO 3.4 for that service needs to beimproved. This is indicated from theresults of measurements with the sixsigma method showing an averageperformance score of 3.74; expectationscore of 4.90; gap -1,16; satisfactionlevel is 76.37%, DPMO value is 251733,and sigma level is 2.25. It becomes thedominant attribute that causes customerdissatisfactio


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    Kapal LPD (Landing Platfrom Dock)    adalah kapal yang berfungsi untuk  keperluan militer. Salah satu pembuat kapal LPD adalah PT. PAL INDONESIA (persero). Di dalam membangun kapal terutama pada penentuan jumlah armature lampu di  butuhkan akurasi yang baik dalam menentukan jenis dan jumlah lampu. Dalam hal ini PT. PAL INDONESIA (persero) menentukan jenis dan jumlah lampu  menggunakan perhitungan secara manual. Maka untuk merencanakan jumlah armature lampu  dengan cepat dan mudah, dibuatlah program perhitungan jumlah armature lampu menggunakan bantuan program  Visual Basic. Program ini dibuat menggunakan perhitungan jmlah armature lampu berdasarkan data yang diterapkan di PT. PAL INODNESIA (persero). Penggunaan program ini terdapat beberapa langkah seperti memasukkan dimensi ruangan, iluminasi, dan luminasi. Dengan demikian akan dapat di ketahui luas ruangan dan jumlah lampu yang di butuhkan berdasarkan jenis atau tipe armature lampu yang sudah dipilih. Program ini dapat digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah armature lampu berdasarkan 2 class yaitu ABS dan BKI. Berdasarkan perhitungan jumlah armature lampu dengan program visual yang mengunakan    class  ABS mempunyai jumlah lampu lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan program visual yang menggunakan  class  BKI. Perhitungan jumlah armature lampu dengan program Visual Basic lebih cepat bila dibandingkan perhitungan jumlah armature lampu dengan mengunakan  perhitungan secara manual


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    Membahas tema yang didasarkan pada tujuan dalam upaya membuat psikologi sufi  sebagai bangunan integralistic  (ruh/ roh, qalb/hati,  aql/alasan, dan nafs/keinginan)  dalam kegiatan bimbingan dan konseling. Oleh itu, tema yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat menyeimbangkan dari kepribadian seseorang dalam perspektif  spiritual,  intelektual,  emosional,  dan  sikap. Selain itu, tema ini dapat diidentifikasi  pengembangan arus utama psikologi (aspek kognitif, Behavioristic,  Psychoanalysis, Humanistik), dan hubungan dengan bimbingan dan konseling. Kata Kunci: psikologi sufistik, cartesian  dualisme,  arus utama psikologi, potensi manusiaPSYCHOLOGY  SUFISTIK CRITICISM AGAINST MODERN PSYCHOLOGY:  COMPARATIVE STUDY  THOUGHT  AL- GHAZALI AND DESCARTES (EFFORTS TO STRENGTHEN THE BUILDING OF ISLAMIC COUNSELLING). Discussing the theme  is based on purpose in effort to make  sufi psychology as integralistic building (ruh/spirit, qalb/heart, aql/reason, and nafs/ desire) in activity of guidance and counseling. Thus, the theme can be used to create balancing of individual personality in perspective of spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and attitude. Moreover, this theme can be identified development of mainstream  of psychology (Cognitive, Behavioristic, Psychoanalysis, Humanistic),   and the relation  with guidance and counseling.Keywords:   psychology sufistik, cartesian dualisme, mainstream of psychology, human  potentia


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    Dalam bidang konseling  Islam, hal yang tetap  masih perlu diperhitungkan adalah memahami kehendak manusia. Meskipun istilah memahami kehendak manusia mudah diucapkan, namun secara implementatif tidak semudah yang dikatakan kebanyakan para konselor.  Karenanya, dalam mengkaji kehendak manusia masih  relevan  untuk menggunakan cara  konseling   Islam. Sebaliknya, proses pelaksanaan  konseling  Islam tidak hanya didasarkan pada  materi-materi yang bersumber dari  ajaran agama Islam dan ajaran psikosufistik, namun juga memerlukan pemahaman tentang psikologi modern.  Hal yang sama,  Al- Ghazali mencontohkan menggunakan pengalaman psikologisnya untuk menguatkan teks suci kewahyuannya.  Cara kerja atau pola pendampingan  konseling Islam yang seperti ini merupakan bentuk pola pendampingan multi disiplin dalam bidang konseling. Tidak hanya dalam konseling  Islam, konseling  umum  juga memerlukan materi dan nilai-nilai agama yang bisa dijadikan salah satu pendekatan konseling yang disesuaikan dengan nilai dan kultur pembentuk psikologis individu. Selain model  konseling tersebut, penulis akan memaparkan konseling model psikosufistik Al-Ghazali  untuk memahami kehendak manusia.  Karenanya, kegunaan penelitian ini untuk memberikan penguatan konseling Islam di tengah masyarakat yang membutuhkannya.  Tulisan ini penting untuk menjawab problem nestapa manusia modern.THE THEORY OF THE WILL OF MAN FROM THE PERSPECTIVE   OF   PSIKOSUFISTIK   AL-GHAZALI  In the field of Islamic counseling , things still need to be taken into account is  to understand  the human will. Although  the term  human will understand  easily said, but it is not as easy as saying implementable most counselors. Therefore, in assessing the human will is still relevant to the use of Islamic counseling. Instead, the process of implementation of Islamic counseling is not only based on materials derived from the teachings of Islam and the teachings of psikosufistik, but also requires an understanding of modern psychology. The same thing , Al-Ghazali exemplifies the use of psychological experience to strengthen the sacred text revelation. How it works or accompaniment  patterns counseling Islam as a form of pattern of multi-disciplinary  assistance in the field of counseling. Not only in Islam counseling , general counseling  also require material and religious values which could be one approach to counseling tailored to the values and culture of individual  psychological formation. In addition to the counseling model, the author will explain counseling psikosufistik  Al-Ghazali   models  for understanding  the human  will. Therefore, the usefulness of this study to provide counseling strengthening Islam among the people who need them. This paper is important to address problems of modern human predicament


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    The need for transportation will have an impact on the number of motorized vehicles and on fuel consumption. The consumption of high fuel oil will automatically increase the budget for transportation, so that the mixing of fuel oil aims to get better combustion, one of which is mixing with a premium shell. At this time the researchers conducted a study relating to the comparison of the performance produced and the extent of the mileage produced by Premium and Shell fuels, from this study is expected to provide accurate information about the use of appropriate fuels, researchers also use motors KMHE Haizum as a test material for performance and maximum mileage produced from both types of fuel. With the hope it can be applied to various types of motorcycles. The method used in this study uses quantitative descriptive methods and direct field studies so that the data obtained is truly accurate and can be trusted. For the hypothesis in this study is which fuel has better performance, and which distance is farthest by using Premium fuel, Shell, and a mixture of the two fuels. The test results and the calculation of the use of specific fuels in energy-efficient car vehicles "HAIZUM" with a volume of 25 ml produces RPM = 5225 for premium with SFC (specific fuel usage = 0.00000091 kg / kWsec. energy saving "HAIZUM" with a volume of 25 ml produces RPM = 6975 for premium with SFC (specific fuel usage = 0.00000041 kg / kWsecond.

    Analisis Instruksi Bersama Kementerian Agama dan Kementerian Kesehatan nomor 02 tahun 1989 terhadap pelaksanaan imunisasi tetanus Toxoid bagi calon pengantin di KUA Kecamatan Tarik Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    Skripsi ini adalah penelitian lapangan. Untuk menjawab permasalahan yang ada maka penulis memaparkan dua rumusan masalah antara lain: Bagaimana Implementasi Instruksi Bersama Kementerian agama dan Kementerian Kesehatan No. 02 Tahun 1989 Terhadap Pelaksanaan Imunisasi Tetanus Toxoid Bagi Calon Pengantin di KUA Tarik Kab. Sidoarjo, Bagaimana Analisis Terhadap Pelaksanaan Imunisasi Tetanus Toxoid di KUA Tarik Kab. Sidoarjo. Dalam memaparkan data, penulis menggunakan metode induktif sedangkan cara memperoleh data dengan cara melakukan wawancara maka penulis mengambil data dengan cara melakukan wawancara kepada ketua KUA kecamatan Tarik dan penghulu dan mengambil refrensi dari dokumen Keputusan Bersama Kementerian Agama dan Kementerian Kesehatan Nomor 02 Tahun 1989 Tentang Suntik Tetanus Toxoid, selanjutnya data tersebut diolah dengan metode induktif. Dikarenakan suntik ini sangat penting terutama bagi kesehatan calon pengantin, maka untuk sebagai pengaplikasian dari keputusan bersama maka seharusnya pihak KUA melakukan mentoring terhadap pelaksanaan suntik TT tersebut, dengan banyaknya calon pengantin yang suntik diluar puskesmas kecamatan sehingga mentoring dari suntik TT tersebut sangat sulit dilakukan. Yang menjadi kekawatiran dari tidak terjangkaunya pengawasan KUA terhadap suntik tersebut bahwa calon pengantin tidak melakukan suntik TT akan tetapi membuat surat palsu yang menandakan calon pengantin tersebut sudah melakukan suntik TT. Melihat fenomena itu akan tetapi pihak KUA kurang melaksanakan mentoring atau pengawasan untuk pelaksanaan suntik TT. Dalam teori perundang-undang keputusan bersama ini melibatkan kerjasama antara kementerian kesehatan dan kementerian Agama yang dalam penerapannya melibatkan instansi dibawah kementerian kesehatan seperti Rumah sakit, Klinik, dan puskesmas sebagai pelaksana dan kementerian agama dalam hal ini KUA sebagai penegak dan pengawasan. Jika melihat teori diatas maka sudah jelas pembagian antara puskesmas dan KUA dimana Puskesmas sebagai pelaksana dalam hal ini melaksanakan suntik TT dan KUA sebagai penegak dan pengawasan, dalam hal pengawasan ini lah yang kurang dijalankan di KUA dimana KUA hanya menyarankan akan tetapi tidak mengawasi pelaksanaannya. Sejalan dengan kesimpulan diatas maka sudah seharusnya KUA kec Tarik mengeluarkan peraturan yang lebih menekannya pada pelaksanaan suntik TT tidak serta merta hanya berpegangan pada keputusam bersama kementrian kesehatan dan kementerian Agama saja